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Monday, December 08, 2008 ♥

yoyoyo. here to bloggie..
lets talk about today, since i haven gotten my photos for BOTH the mawaii trip and the wedding dinner.
ok. today i woke up at 9 and get ready to go to my cousins house ^^
then we went to tm to buy swimming costume for my cousin coz...well..apparently, she threw hers away. -_-'''
so, she bout a orange/black arena costume at bout 50 plus bucks. which i tink was quite okay...considering the brand of the swimming costume. =)
then, we went to the madeira at bt batok to swim~~~~~
yes, i believe those that actually went out today will know that its super cold like an air con outside today!
so, when we got into the water, we were like doing jogging-on-the-spot exercises, hahas~
but overall, i was damn lucky i didn't get sick today...or else my trip to australia will be wasted...
okokok. i gotta go. i wanna watch tv now~
bbye~ until 16 dec~!
COUNTDOWN: 2 more days!

listen to the sweet sound @ 10:28 PM

Thursday, November 27, 2008 ♥

yoyoyo. sry for not posting recently. been very busy.
and to tell u my activities for the past few days, i must have PICTURES!
but, unfortunately, i dun have them now..so, u guys will have to make do with pictureless posts for now. lols XD
will be uploadig again after 30 nov, aft my cousin's wedding! XD

listen to the sweet sound @ 4:57 PM

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 ♥

heyheyhey~ back from my trip!
and fyi, it isn't a "holiday" kinda trip...i went on a camp in mawai lama, johor..
now i'm back with mozzie bites all over my body, rashes all over my body, bruises, and.... LEECH bites!!!!! disgusting thing really....if its sucking ur blood u cant pluck it out cos it would apparently leave sm kinda hook like thing in ur flesh...BLERRGHH....*shudders* i dun tink i wanna go there again...
well,lemme tell u more about the trip.
i took a 2 hr bus ride there then a short boat ride across a river to the campsite.. the river actually has carnivorous animals..like crocs and giant catfish. lols.
we reached the campsite at bout 2plus? i dunno lah. then we set up our beds and went to eat lunch.. oh i must tell u... the food there is fantastic!(its not luxurious type ok?) the chicken curry and pandan rice are soooooo gd~
hahas...after lunch we went for a walk in a swamp. and tats where i got my leech bite! ARGH.. but the walk was quite shiok, lols, my whole leg was submerged in muddy and shit water..really stinked.. but the water was really cooling. XD
ok tat was day one. here comes day two.
second day started at 6.30 am! well i just woke up to the rooster's call.(seriously, there was a rooster there.) and the 'orchestra' of the jungle...(cicadas, frogs that go "wok" "wok")
then i ate breakfst then set off for trekking up a mountain..
and what happened on that day was like they say: acsend is always easier then descend.
when i climbed up the mountain, its just that my legs were tired. but once we came to the descending part...i fell down bout 4-5 times. and bout 3 times i got a bruise....haiz. but it was quite fun.. and we had a campfire anyway but i didnt attend. went to bath and went straight to bed! lols.
day three!
i woke up to the call of the rooster again at 6 plus am. then i 'snoozed' until 7 plus.. hehe~
then i ate breakfst and changed to get ready for an obstacles challenge!!! my fave activity of the whole camp!
there will be obstacles to cross and if u fail to do so,... well, ur punishment will be falling directly into the pond that's below u. lols. i passed the first three rope obstacles but when i came to the balancing pole i fell immediately after only 3 steps. u know why?
cos my mum pushed me in. -_-'' darnnit. stupid mummy.
after the obstacle, we washed up..and !!!!! i was in the mid of washing my hair when the water supply ran out!
but luckily i only needed a little more water to clean my hair while my mum's body and hair are still covered with soap! hahahahaha!~
after that we went back to s'pore!

anyway, its been long since i updated so i decided to change everything on my blog again. lols~ but u guys would have to wait a while. i'm still finding a suitable skin to change~
ok. this is where i'll blog till.
until next time@@!!

listen to the sweet sound @ 7:02 PM

Tuesday, November 11, 2008 ♥

hello.....a very dead blog...i know,...thats why i'm here to update~ lols.
i actually have choir today, but i had the stomch flu..have to eat medicine..anyways, i'm feeling better now alrd.
err.....i really have nth to post about leh....so, i guess i'll just go off now first and maybe blog about class chalet after i come back from malaysia. hehe.
ciao for now~! XD

listen to the sweet sound @ 1:29 PM

Thursday, September 18, 2008 ♥

wow.....i've FINALLY posted again. cos its my b'day coming soon XD eveeryone! if u wanna come to my b'day party, it will be at my house and the party starts at around the afternoon. so i hope u all can come~

listen to the sweet sound @ 5:44 PM

Saturday, August 02, 2008 ♥

hi everyone.(execpt for someone) i'm here to BLOG!(duh.XD) i noe it has been long....well. today let's talk bout FIESTA.
me raudhah, amelia, qingxiang, clement, jiawei, shiyong, junhao and jay went shopping for things in tm NTUC. we alrd bought ingredients for the waffle mixture(milk, flour, margarine, whipping cream, sugar, vanilla essence.) and cheese, choc syrup & peanut butter!(for those allergic to peanut i'm sure u are not dumb enough to eat it right?) okok. so we stil have the drink bottles and ice cream to buy. i tink we'll be buying either on thursday for friday itself. um.. FYI, the ice will be bought on friday morning. soooo we need ppl to help us carry the ice packs too. =)
other than shopping trip for FIESTA, there's nothing else special i tink? XD
end here then. tata~

listen to the sweet sound @ 9:05 PM

Monday, July 21, 2008 ♥

OK...today is a peaceful-emo-sad-happy-soso post. so i don't tink u all will get disturbed when u read my posts. =]
lemme tell u smth bout me.
i've met with some incidents that only me and my mum knows. and some that only i know about. i've been trying to get over it. how long as it been? 6 mths? i think more than that...but nowadays when i think of it, i still get the shivers. or get irritated. and when i was in hongkong playing like heck, an incident that i wanted to forget the most came back to haunt me..it almost feels like i'm trapped. hai...but what's the use of fighting back when there's nothing you can do about it. i know that there are a lot of other people that had it worse than me. i used to think.."so what?" but now that it has happened to me. i'm beggining to understadn their pain. the pain of being so terribly afraid of something...
ok....that's way emo right? sry bout that. now here come the post of the 6 day hongkong trip!
ok. when we first arrived in hk..we went to Baptist university to eat our dinner at the canteen there. i was quite disgusted with the quality of food there. i ordered ice choc and i saw the manager asking the employee to add more water into my drink. and when i drank it. it was SUPER diluted. DISGUSTING is the word to describe it. okok. then we went to check out our hostel for the first time. 2 rooms were to share one toilet. so me and lydia(roommate) went up first adn opened the door and look through the toilet to find out that the other rm's door was open it scared the shit outta us.....we quickly switched on all the lights. then we went to check out the toilet...the bath is half the size of ur average bathroom. super cramped....-_-
okok. the rest was quite ok. but i need the pictures to tell u the whole story. u guys will need to wait till the end of this week to have the full story~! XDD
soryy bout the emo post. really needed to let it out...but apologies for those that didn't like it...=( =)
SO! i've got a pile of homework. so i gotta go now...byebye~~

listen to the sweet sound @ 9:44 PM

♥ The musiclover

but my other name is melody so u can call me mel. da b'day-- 21/09(i want presents XD)
singing--- wanna hear it? it either sounds bad or gd :P

♥ she wants

-- i wan a set of formal wear(1-piece dress)~
-- i wan lots of pretty heels and flats. XD
-- a puppie!
-- improve my singing techniques!
-- i wan a violin! XDDD

♥ shout-out

♥ jukebox

♥ credits


♥ clickables



-Elizabeth- (KHS)
-Germaine- (KHS)
-Pei Yi- (KHS)
-Sou Young- (KHS)
-Poh Yee- (KHS)
-Ying Jie- (KHS)
-Shi Ting- (KHS)
-Justina- (KHS)
-Brenda- (KHS)
-Evelyn- (KHS)



-Yi Ting- (NAS)
-Kelly- (NAS)
-Mavis- (NAS)
-Li Ying- (NAS)
-Vivien- (NAS)
-En Hui- (NAS)
-Sylvia- (NAS)
-Eileen- (NAS)

Shi Yong
Jun Wen

May 2006June 2006July 2006August 2006December 2006February 2007May 2007June 2007September 2007October 2007November 2007January 2008February 2008March 2008April 2008May 2008June 2008July 2008August 2008September 2008November 2008December 2008